Digital marketing Content Marketing

Questions to Keep in Mind While Writing A Web Page Content

All the businesses do not have enough money to hire a freelancer or an agency to work on their web content. Every web page must have a clean and decisive objective to satisfy a customer than your business, product or service is meant for them. Everyone loves plenty of traffic but not with high bounce rates and zero leads.

Businesses can fall into the trap of “page fillers” that are solely created to fill the website with some content and is meant mainly for SEO. And that, unfortunately, does not perform well. More is not always good and keyword stuffing does not help in improving a website’s performance or in lead generation.

However, if you are planning to write a web page content then, here are a few points that you should ask yourself before you start writing.

What is the core goal of your web page?

This is very simple. What is the objective of your web page? What do you want to achieve from your web page and what do you accept from your user? Every web page is designed by keeping a different objective in mind, whether that is creating a long-lasting impression or converting a customer to a lead after he or she goes through a product page. No matter whichever page, a clear purpose must be outlined for each one and what you want from your customers to do after reading the page.

Who is the audience that the page is targeting?

Who is the audience and why are they visiting your page? What information do they want? If they are the tertiary or secondary audience, you should know about their personal goals also. If you do not understand who your audiences are and what is their personality, then it will be difficult for you to write in a tone that they can easily understand and relate to. What benefits does your business provide? You must have come across many companies that boast about their accomplishments, but they do not explain why such accomplishments add value to their consumer’s experiences.

Another important thing to consider at this point would be what are the groups into which your audiences fall. This does not concern every business, as some may have one group, like “Consumer/ Buyer.” However, there might be a user group like “The Researcher” on a fact-finding mission or “The Decision maker” who is always there to purchase, subscribe, ask for a quote. Understanding these groups will help to put the content in the right way.

It is also very important to know where your user has come from. For example, did they initially land on a page from a search engine, a social network or from some other page in the website, as this informs the content and components required on a page?  A user might come to your website with certain feelings or emotions, therefore consider the connection the user has and what content should be delivered to them on a single click.

What benefits of your company are you communicating through your web page?

This is very important. It is one of the factors that play a vital role in engaging a user. It goes along with who your customer is, their requirements and difficulties, and how your business can bring a difference. If you have already considered who your customer is, their personalities and which user group they sit within, it will be much simpler to recognize the messaging that is required here to communicate successfully how your business can benefit them.

What phrases and keywords should be included?

This might be a bit controversial, but phrases and keywords are generally considered last. Keyword stuffing should be avoided. Use keywords in headlines, subheadings, meta title, and description. This way you can avoid repetitive use of keywords.  

Though brand awareness and promoting your products and services is the most important thing, make sure that you wrote for your audience. While writing, ensure that your content speaks to them, relates to them, make them understand how your products or services can help them.

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