Digital marketing Content Marketing

Importance of Podcasts in your Content Marketing Strategy

learn the importance of podcasts

Our world is cluttered with everything digital. Online content is continuously circulating the internet, making it difficult for businesses to get noticed. It is time for businesses to get into a new niche- one that occurs beyond Facebook posts, tweets, and YouTube videos. It is time for the brands to embrace the world of podcasts. Here, we are discussing the various benefits of using podcasts.

Podcasting is not something new. The first podcasts (originally referred to as audio blogs) were started in 2004. But, fast-forward 13 years, and their mainstream success is clearly indicating a rising demand for this specialist content. No matter whatever business you are in, chances are you will have some competitors. Maybe your product or service is exceptional to other choices that exist in your market. Maybe it is not. Having the best offer does not really matter. You must also understand why the podcast is important. You must focus on ensuring your target market understands and considers your organization’s deal to be the perfect one for them. Until they believe, they are never going to buy from you.

How can you set yourself apart from all other choices? Publishing engaging content is a great way if it is informative that assists customers within your target market. Your published content must build goodwill, earn trust, and place you as an authority in your industry.

Potential audiences in your target market may be struggling with something, something may be disturbing for them. They want a certain result, and they are willing to pay for it.  As we live in the digital era, they will likely search for online information, i.e. content, that can help them find a correct solution for their problem.

This is the reason why today every business needs a content marketing strategy. A sound plan makes sure that your target market will find you when they look for answers.

What is a podcast?

Wikipedia defines it as “radio on demand.” It can be defined as a prerecorded audio program, published on the site, and available download on personal machines or mobile devices to be listed when the listener wants. This format has dominated many as one of the significant features of a podcast is that listeners can subscribe. With RSS, the listener is notified when a new podcast is available, removing the need to execute a new marketing campaign.

how to use podcasts in content marketing

Understand how content can help you.

Well-researched and carefully written content helps your target customer- at no cost to them. It is important to give them a certain call to action or CTA. Request them to visit your site, book a free consultation, or subscribe to your newsletter. Any of these tools open the door to starting a relationship and obtaining a customer.

There are different types of content as there are different types of people who search for it. Magazine articles, webinars, videos, e-books, and white papers are some of the most common types of content. The list goes on. The sheer potentials leave several organizations and entrepreneurs feeling overwhelmed. If you are confused about how to start a podcast or the benefits of using podcasts, be prepared to launch your first piece of audio content. Here are a few benefits of podcasts for business.

Benefits of Using Podcasts

It is easy to consume

Compared to video and text content, audio content is more accessible for users. They do not have shift time away from what they are doing to focus completely on your content. They can listen to your podcast while they are driving or exercising. Your podcast will not take them away from the activities they were doing. In fact, it will improve them.

Podcasts have low competition

The content marketplace is competitive. Successful online marketers find big wins with their content when finding a content type or topic with low competition and high engagement. That is exactly what a podcast offers. While there are nearly 80 million Facebook business pages, there is about 700,000 podcasts broadcasting. This number drops when you search by topic. There may be a handful of other podcasts that discusses topics relevant to your business, with hundreds-to-thousands of listeners.  With this low competition, it is easier to have your podcast stand out and attract listeners.

 It increases your reach and expands your audience

One of the major benefits of using podcasts is it helps in increasing your reach and grows your audience base. When you publish your podcast on platforms like Stitcher and iTunes, you expose your content to millions of potential listeners for free of cost. These platforms are search engines and people use them to find podcasts and hit singles. This organic exposure helps you to increase your reach and grow your customer.

Convenient and engaging for listeners

Still not sure why the podcast is important? Podcasts need less effort to engage with, as far as the listeners are concerned. Unlike a written blog, which must be read or even videos that demand audiences to sit and watch. The only thing that a podcast listener needs to do is hit the play button and listen.

It is the right content type for multi-tasking, which most of us are doing on a continuous basis. If content demands too much time or attention, it is difficult to engage your audiences. Finding enough time to listen to a podcast is simple because it just demands the attention of the customer. We can listen to the podcasts even when we are working or playing.

Podcasts are inexpensive and quick to create

Recording a single podcast episode is less time-consuming when compared to recording a video or writing an article. To create a podcast, the only thing you need to do is record yourself speaking. Get a good microphone and a program for recording as well as editing your episodes, if needed. That is all you need for producing audio content.

Podcast audiences are loyal

Creating a podcast audience ahead of the competition is extremely significant as listeners are loyal to their favorite programs. They build relationships with the host and want to check back every time there is a new podcast released.

podcasts used in content marketing

If you can determine a strong audience before the boom of podcasts, it will be difficult for your competitors to attract those listeners towards their shows. This loyalty also transforms into several other marketing channels. For instance, podcast listeners are 20% more connected with a brand.

When the podcast is finished, audiences will go back to social media to continue the conversations and discuss your business with each other.

Podcasts help you stand out from your competitors

Podcasting became quite popular during the past few years, but there is still a lot of space for more shows. Based on your topic or niche, you may have the benefit of facing some competition. Hosting a podcast can assist you stand apart from your competitors in your market and place you as the go-to authority in your industry.

Establishing thought leadership

Apart from providing customers value, one of the main reasons that we create content is to establish creativity and a reputation as a thought leader. This is the reason why case studies, guides, informative articles, and well-researched content are so important. They help show to audiences that you offer helpful information and solutions to their issues. Podcasts are impactful at growing this reputation as a trustworthy, expert source because audiences get to hear it from you.

If you are passionate about what you do, as most business owners and marketers are, then it must not be a problem in conveying these beliefs across in a podcast.  

Your audience will be able to hear what you believe!

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