Digital marketing Content Marketing

How to Generate Maximum Leads from your Content

Earlier in the late 1990s, when the Internet was not so popular, a phenomenon took hold that would change the way businesses reach their clients online forever. That phenomenon came to be known as “blogging.” About twenty years later, everyone including stay-at-home moms, Fortune 500 companies started operating blogs for a lot of reasons. Here, we have discussed a few ways to attract leads through content and why you too should start blogging for your lead generation marketing efforts.

You must have heard the adage, “Content is King.” That is because great content attracts large numbers of audiences which in turn will help you to generate leads. And once you have captured those leads, you can market your products and services to makes final sales.

However, without great content, you will not have leads and audience, and you will not be able to make any sales online.

So, let us find out what is great content and what are the ways to attract leads through content.

The significance of blogging

For a business, blogging does more than let followers know about recent company events and news. When done in the right manner, it can establish you as an authority in your area, give people an inside look at your work culture, and improve your SEO.

content lead generation method

By crafting posts that educate your clients on your product or service and the industry it is in, you position yourself as a go-to resource in the time of need for your audience.

Not only this, the more valuable pages you publish, the more favorably search engines like Google look at your site. In this way, you will be able to attract more visitors through search.

In fact, companies that have embraced blogging attain 97% more links to their website. And, as all of us know, inbound links are one of the most vital factors Google considers while ranking your site.

But what happens when customers reach there?

You want to attract them in, capture their attention, call them to action, and then turn them into clients. But, before you can capitalize on their customer lifetime value, you must capture their personal info, through a procedure called “lead generation.”

Ways to attract leads through content

  • Research your customers-The first important rule of great content is it must appeal to your target audience. If it does not, it will not attract many leads. Before you create a single piece of content, ensure that you have a deep understanding of your target audience.
  • Choose your content-type– There are different types of content, but some are more suitable for lead generation than others. For your content to generate leads, you must plan to include two primary kinds of content:
  • Lead generating content
  • Traffic generating content
  • Traffic Generating content- Traffic generating content is significant for attracting eyeballs on your site and growing the number of audiences. Generating leads without traffic is impossible. Here are some of the best methods for traffic generation through content. Choose a few from this list and include it in your content writing plan.
  1. Blog- This type of content is a basic requirement for any content plan. Your blog is like a “hub.” All other kinds of content must drive traffic to your blog
  2. Social media posts- These posts will attract traffic to your blog
  3. Videos- YouTube is the second largest search engine. It is a great opportunity to attract organic traffic to your blog
  4. Podcasts- You can encourage your guests to share their episodes with their target audience and grow your own too in the process.
  5. Infographics- You can include these in blogs to support social media sharing.
  6. Photos- Based on your business, photos may be a kind of content that you wish to use for growing the number of audiences.
  7. eBooks- Listing free eBooks on Amazon is another method to grow your audience and drive maximum traffic to your website.
ways to attract lead through content

Now, once you have chosen the content type that you will use to attract traffic, let us have a look at the lead-generating content.

  • Lead generating content- It is the content that you package into different lead magnets: valuable resources that you give for free in exchange for somebody’s email address. Lead magnets are non-negotiable for generating leads. People do not want to give their email address to anybody, so you must offer them a good initiative. Here are some of the best lead-generating content. Choose a few from this list that you can use as lead magnets:
  1. Useful resources- These can be checklists of lists or tools of resources
  2. Free Reports & eBooks- These provide something educational
  3. Coupons & Discounts- Perfect if you have an eCommerce business. All you must do is provide a coupon code in exchange for an email address
  4. Webinars- Webinars work well as lead magnets due to their high perceived value
  5. Quizzes- You can offer a free quiz, but for your users to get apt results, they will have to provide you their email address
  6. Free Challenge-If you help people to beat the obstacles or achieve goals, you could provide a free challenge to achieve one thing over a span of time.  

Now, when you have chosen the content type which you will use to drive traffic and generate maximum leads, the next thing is to choose the right content distribution channel.

  • Decide your content plan- A good content plan decides what type of content will you publish, by whom, and how frequently. How many days a week are you going to publish your blog posts? When will you set a live webinar session? How frequently are you planning to promote your content on social media channels? Which team members will be developing and promoting the content?

You may also want to design an editorial calendar to keep a track of your blog posts.

  • Use Call to action’s in the text- A call-to-action is just a way to compel your readers to take any action. They are important for post-click landing pages and in the advertisements. Surprisingly, they are not much used in the blog posts. If you are writing a post, like for example this one, on how to generate new leads, try to include a link in the text of your post to a relevant whitepaper or ebook.
  • Try “Hello Bar”- If you have ever visited a site with a bar across the top of the page, then you must remember that it is one of the popular ways to generate new leads. The Hello Bar spans your page and includes a Call to Action which helps you attract traffic to the post-click landing pages and squeeze the pages without being too much invasive. If the users are not compelled to click instantly, it follows them as they scroll to read your blog. As far as the lead generation is concerned, the Hello Bar can be a significant tool. 
  • Offer readers exclusive content- Just because you provide people free ways to enhance their business does not mean that you cannot hold a little something back for those who are interested in giving a little extra in exchange for additional information. Engage your readers with exclusive content that can assist them even more than your blog can.

These are the few ways to attract leads through content. Include these methods in your lead generation plan and see the difference!

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