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How to Attract New Followers to Your LinkedIn?

Growing the followers on your LinkedIn page is one of the most significant marketing objectives. Increasing the number of followers can lead to a greater organic reach and a robust audience. It is a vital step towards building your own community on LinkedIn. If you are wondering about the most productive ways to work towards this objective, you are not alone. Here, you will find a few tips for attracting new LinkedIn followers.

How to attract followers on LinkedIn

The first important step, before you start following the tips mentioned below, is to ensure your company’s LinkedIn page has the complete information, and distinctly appealing to the kind of people you want to attract. Studies have proved that pages that have complete info about the person get 30% more views, and if the content published on your company’s page is useful to people who are your target audience then, those visiting your profile will click “Follow.” Once you are done with that part, the next task is to focus on boosting the follower’s count.

how to increase followers in LinkedIn

These methods are helpful for increasing the number of followers from a low number. However, even the well-established LinkedIn pages that have thousands of followers can implement these tricks. So, let check out a few advanced tips for attracting new LinkedIn followers. First, the basic thing.

  • Why would anyone want to follow your LinkedIn company page?

You must have come across a few organizations that get a huge number of followers by just sharing updates about their products or services. There are many who follow Apple for receiving their product updates. You might not be one among those. You must ask a question to yourself:

“How interesting are my company’s product updates?”

If the answer is interesting, then you can get some loyal followers who want to know everything about what is going in your company. What is new, how can they reach you, how are your employees, etc? Sharing just company updates will lessen your potential, though. Why?

Because there are high chances that you will not attain “top of the funnel” new followers. Followers would follow your business page as you are the go-to place for finding new inspiration, for assisting them to solve their issues, etc.

  • Engage with your employees- Your team members can play a vital role in growing your number of LinkedIn followers. You must encourage them to spread the word with colleagues and friends who are interested in what you or your company does. For the new pages, it is an important step to start. When employees tag your page in their updates and share the same with their networks, your LinkedIn page will get a huge boost. Also, make sure that your employees are mapped to your page properly, as every time your employee will make a new connection on this platform, the new connection notifies them to follow your page.
  • Keep a Follow button on your website- This simple addition can help turn your site visitors into your LinkedIn page followers. To induce action, you might include some catchy messaging like, if you enjoy our content here, you will love what we have shared on LinkedIn.”
  • Run a simple PPC campaign- Most of the time, the main purpose of “pay per click” is to promote your website on a social media channel or to collect emails from users. This leads them to a landing page after they click on your ad. Placing an attractive ad that consists of attractive headlines with perceptive content and a fascinating image can attract more LinkedIn users. As a result, they will click on your ad, visit your site, and ultimately follow your LinkedIn page, thus increasing the number of your LinkedIn followers. The higher the bid you want to pay, the greater are the chances that your ad is going to be more attractive and earn more users.
  • Add the page link below your email signature- Another simple tip which can help you enjoy immense benefits is adding your LinkedIn page link to your email signature. This will direct the recipients towards your company’s LinkedIn page and encourage them to follow.
  • Add a page link to your personal LinkedIn profile: Your LinkedIn profile is another chance to capture appropriate members and direct them towards your company’s hub on this platform. Consider adding a short link to your LinkedIn page in the “Site URL” section on your profile, or even in your headlines. Just like other employees, it is important to associate your profile with your company’s LinkedIn page, so your new connections will attain a notification to follow.
  • Use the right hashtags- One of the common tips for attracting new LinkedIn followers is using the right hashtags. Organic reach on LinkedIn is great. Using the correct hashtag brings you in front of the right audience. LinkedIn posts with 0 hashtags will be noticed by your followers and connections of people who interact with that post. LinkedIn encourages to use the right hashtags. While posting on the LinkedIn page, you will find the post-builder recommends using relevant hashtags. Using the right hashtags is great for achieving better results. However, you must first check the popularity of a hashtag. If you have a small LinkedIn company page, avoid using the most popular hashtags. However, there are some hashtags that seem to be nice but have zero followers. That is also a waste of hashtag use.
  • Post content regularly: Keeping a steady flow of fresh content on your page will make it more visible on the member feeds. At the same time, it looks attractive to the potential followers.
tips to increases number of LinkedIn followers
  • Join LinkedIn groups- LinkedIn offers access to thousands of groups, each one started by an industry insider. People visit these special forums to post commentaries and questions on current trends and emerging problems. By giving correct answers, you add credibility and attract large numbers of LinkedIn followers.
  • Start your own LinkedIn group- This is one of the easiest tips for attracting new LinkedIn followers. Ultimately, a well-managed LinkedIn group can be a powerful business engine. To launch a group, make sure you begin with “moderated posts”- so your competitors will not reach you. Then, nurture relationships and make offers as you would do on your mailing list.
  • Use the benefits of LinkedIn Premium- LinkedIn Premium offers a huge amount of information on the company and industry trends. For those who want to make a maximum influence on the network, it is a great option. It focuses on the precision targeting of the most active and visible influencers.  
  • Invite your connections to follow your LinkedIn page- LinkedIn had started this option for a short span of time. Then stopped and now again re-introduced it. You can send an invitation to your first connection asking to follow your LinkedIn page. Everyone who is page admins can make use of this feature. You can send an invitation to a person only once. This can be a powerful tip to attract more followers on your LinkedIn page, but do not spam people.
  • Adjust the content based on the Page Analytics- Page admins can access a robust set of analytics. This offers demographic information about your visitors and followers. Also, you will receive engagement data for the updates.
  • Share videos and visual contents- Ensure your content mix includes too many eye-catching visuals. Unique imagery, mainly video ads tends to stand out more on feeds, helping your brand attract the audience’s attention. You can upload a series of videos or photos from your latest event.

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